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What makes the SAP SuccessFactors Research Center Unique?

Through our work we encounter a wide range of interesting data and observations about HCM practices and techniques. We also read a lot of empirical research conducted by academics and practitioners studying psychological, sociological and technological issues related to Human Capital Management (HCM). We created the SAP SuccessFactors Research Center to share interesting HCM data, best practices and ideas gathered through our work. The site is built around three themes:

  • SAP Research: empirical data collected through SAP technology or by customer surveys, analyzed and interpreted by SAP subject matter experts

  • Other Research: empirical research studies relevant to HCM topics reviewed, interpreted and discussed by SAP subject matter experts

  • Experience: thoughts from SAP subject matter experts on HCM trends, topics and practices

Our content writers

The research insights shared on this site are developed by a team of industrial-organizational psychologists, experienced human resource professionals, workforce analytic experts and HCM technology professionals with a strong focus on evidence-based observations and research.

Sharing useful HCM knowledge is our agenda

The internet contains a lot of quality, data-driven research. It also contains a lot of authoritative sounding opinions and marketing pitches dressed up as research. We do not profess to be totally neutral and objective, but we strive to ensure that content presented on this site meets certain standards related to data quality and transparency. This includes:

  • Clearly indicating whether content is based on qualitative experience, subjective option or empirical data

  • Citing sources of any empirical data we reference and providing links to original source research articles whenever possible

  • Providing detail about the collection methods and analysis of proprietary SAP system data so readers can evaluate its quality and rigor

  • Openly sharing known limitations and potential shortcomings of information we present

Yes, we think SAP SuccessFactors solutions are the best in the market. However, the purpose of this site is not to demonstrate the unique value of SAP SuccessFactors technology and services (if you want to see why our tools are so cool go here). The purpose of this site is to share information that we believe helps to advance the overall field of HR.


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